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Farming Experience

        The Dickinson College Farm has been essential to my college experience.  I immediately began to volunteer when I arrived at Dickinson in the spring semester of 2017, and was hired on as a full-time student farmer for that summer, assisting the livestock apprentice with the care and keeping of our certified Animal Welfare Approved beef cattle herd, sheep, and laying hens.  Working with the livestock has enabled me to amass an enormous amount of hands-on experience with our lovingly grass-fed animals, such as:

  • banding and tagging newborn animals

  • bottle- and tube-feeding lambs

  • sheep hoofcare

  • working in a head gate

  • treating scaly leg mites and poultry lice in laying hens

  • administering vaccinations, basic veterinary interventions


Since then, I have remained a committed member of the DCF team.  Aside from helping to manage the livestock, I also assist with production of our USDA-certified organic vegetables, help make our farm-ingredient pizzas for events on campus, and work as the pastry chef at the Farm's "Gather" dinners.

Through the Dickinson College Farm, I have been able to assist at other local farms for further education and enrichment, including Whistleberry Farm and Big Hill Ciderworks.  Starting in March of 2020, the amazing people at Keswick Creamery allowed me to come and learn how to assist with milking their Jersey cows, which I continue to do regularly.

Dickinson College Farm:

Whistleberry Farm:

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Big Hill Ciderworks:

Keswick Creamery:

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Animal Gallery

When I'm not working to ensure their comfort and health, I love photographing and filming the animals -- and they don't seem to mind the camera!

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. 
I look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for reaching out!


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